Jewel of Bless: Used to upgrade items up to +6. No chance of fail. Can be stacked to piles of 10, 20 and 30 for easier trade and some chaos combinations.
Jewel of Soul: Upgrades items from 0 to 9 but has 50% chance to fail. On fail from 0 to 7 downgrades the item with 1. On fail from 8 to 9 downgrades the item to 0. Items with “Luck” have 75% success chance instead of 50%. Can be stacked to piles of 10, 20 and 30 for easier trade and some chaos combinations.
Jewel of Chaos: This is the most common jewel. It is used in all item combinations.
Jewel of Life: Upgrades the normal option of an item with 60% success rate. On fail reduces the option with 1 level.
Jewel of Creation: Used for creating fruits that increase stats and resurrecting pets. Also used for the socket system.
Jewel of Guardian: Jewels of Guardian are used for upgrading Castle Defenses and creating Life Stones. Also used to add a “pink” option to special items.
Gemstone: Used for creating Jewel of Harmony
Jewel of Harmony: Jewels of Harmony are used for adding a “yellow” additional option to your items.
Low Refining Stone: Used for increasing Harmony Options.
High Refining Stone: Used for further increasing Harmony Options.