Third Quest Guide
First you need to go to crywolf , by typing this command /move crywolf
PART 1 : This is the 380 Quest , you can buy all of the Quest item @ Lorencia Bar or Devias Bar or Elbeland
Part 2 (Infiltration of Barracks of Ballgas)
Completion Requirement: Must be level 400 and have completed the 1st quest, and have 7mil Zen with you.
Completion Method: Enter the map Barracks of Ballgass and kill 20 each of Balram(Hero), Death Spirit(Hero) and Soram(Hero).
Completion Reward: Extra 10 Stat points to spend.
Having a party with other players is allowed and still counted.
Where to proceed? Go back to Crywolf MAP where Priest Devin is Located.
And do follow the Screenshot below
Same Map: Balgass Barracks
Dark Wizard -> Soul Master -> Grand Master
Elf -> Muse Elf -> High Elf
Magic Gladiator -> – none -> Dual Master
Dark Lord -> – none -> Lord Emperor
Rage Fighter -> Fist Master
Summoner->Bloody Summoner->Dimension Master
Next Proceed to Part 3 (Into The Darkness)
Same Map: Balgass Barracks
if you are done taking the quest you will become.
Dark Knight -> Blade Knight -> Blade MasterDark Wizard -> Soul Master -> Grand Master
Elf -> Muse Elf -> High Elf
Magic Gladiator -> – none -> Dual Master
Dark Lord -> – none -> Lord Emperor
Rage Fighter -> Fist Master
Summoner->Bloody Summoner->Dimension Master

That's all Thank You .