Third Quest Guide

Third Quest Guide 
First you need to go to crywolf , by typing this command /move crywolf

PART 1 : This is the 380 Quest , you can buy all of the Quest item @ Lorencia Bar or Devias Bar or Elbeland
MU Online 3rd Quest Guide

Part 2 (Infiltration of Barracks of Ballgas)
Completion Requirement: Must be level 400 and have completed the 1st quest, and have 7mil Zen with you.
Completion Method: Enter the map Barracks of Ballgass and kill 20 each of Balram(Hero), Death Spirit(Hero) and Soram(Hero).
Completion Reward: Extra 10 Stat points to spend.
Having a party with other players is allowed and still counted.
Where to proceed? Go back to Crywolf MAP where Priest Devin is Located.

And do follow the Screenshot below

kill 20 each of Balram(Hero), Death Spirit(Hero) and Soram(Hero) and Submit it to Priest Devin.

Next Proceed to Part 3 (Into The Darkness)

Same Map: Balgass Barracks
dark Elf

if you are done taking the quest you will become.
Dark Knight -> Blade Knight -> Blade Master
Dark Wizard -> Soul Master -> Grand Master
Elf -> Muse Elf -> High Elf
Magic Gladiator -> – none -> Dual Master
Dark Lord -> – none -> Lord Emperor
Rage Fighter -> Fist Master
Summoner->Bloody Summoner->Dimension Master

That's all Thank You .